
Sunday, August 24, 2008

My job....

I am convinced that my place of employment is trying to kill me. Not outright kill me, but slowly picking away at my sanity and peace of mind, inch by inch, moment by moment until one day I'll just spontaneously explode into tiny pieces on my way home from work. They won't let me explode at work, because if by some miraculous intervention I do survive --they don't want to pay out the worker's comp involved.

The fact that I am even thinking this convinces me even more that I am on the right path. When I mention it to anyone else all I get is a humoring smile and a nice pat on the head, "poor girl, did you see the frantic look in her eyes? Remind me to avoid her tomorrow."

Landshark has become my new best friend.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Total Embarrassment

Yesterday I totally embarrassed myself in front of someone that I have to work around quite often. Suffice to say that I didn't make eye contact with this person for a good five minutes after the "incident."

My lacy unmentionables were in my center arm rest thingy because they were getting on my nerves. Someone sat in the passenger side of my vehicle and yeah I opened the arm rest thingy without even thinking about it.

...and I had to tell the "is she trimming her bush" story again today - to a guy at corporate who didn't speak to me for a year (by coincidence or just chance) after Jennifer and I were being stupid and she flung tea across the table all over him, as she ripped her straw from her glass. So what that I laughed until I cried? - he obviously didn't see the humor in it.

Poor guy thinks I'm an idiot - but really...who doesn't?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I love sweating

...That is the conclusion I have come to after working the Astros concession stands this summer. (No, not the Houston Astros, the Greeneville Astros)

It's the kind of hot that causes sweat on every area of your body. Crevices, nooks, crannies, get the idea. It's amazing how it can be cool outside of the booth, but you step behind the counter and BAM! Instant weight loss program. But behind the counter is nothing compared to the heat in the back where a lady has to stand to prepare the nachos, chicken sandwiches, pizza slices, etc. I helped her out last night because I feel bad standing up in the relatively cool area while she dies back there. Oh yeah, and not only is it hot back there, wear some latex gloves and your hands prune up in 4.5 seconds.

However, there is some good that comes out of this heat craziness. I got to hang out with Hunter, David, Stephen, Katie Mac, Ben, Pete, Carl, Taren, etc, etc, etc after the game! It was an awesome time. I made Hunter tell the sugar packet sagas to one of his interns - Hunter was not amused. Got my Hunter hugs before I left and made it home by 1am! haha.

I love summer time.