
Friday, July 18, 2008

I found him!

There comes a time in one's life when one realizes they have found their soul mate.

I have found that time.

Working in the Greeneville Astro's concession stand last night, I looked up and BAM! There he was strolling along in his stunna shades with his friends, drinking a frosty cup of beer. This guy looked just like Chad Michael Murray. From those who don't know who that is...Google him.

His hair, his face, his body...mmmm. Definitely a likeness there. And he had on a UNC Charlotte shirt. Hellloooo, One Tree Hill is shot in Wilmington, NC.

So I stalked him...from my station at the cash register...because I couldn't leave. Until Randy came and saved me, you better believe I hightailed it out of there and forced him to be my stalking partner/wingman/whatever. All I know is that I had my chance to stare at him without looking like an idiot. It was wonderful. wait. Can you stare at someone without looking like an idiot? Let me know on that, I'm curious for answers.

Anyway, I had to go back into the fiery pits of Hades that is the concession stand in the middle of the summer. I was waiting on this indecisive family of little shits when he got in my line...MY LINE. I tried every way in the world to get the impossible family from hell out of the way, while still smiling and trying not to drool. It's tough believe me. But after waiting for what seemed an eternity and then having a line next to me open up, I can't say I blamed him for jumping lines. Yeah. He got his stuff and left while I am still trying to push hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, ANYTHING on this family. Grrrr.

Keep in mind last night that I was the only female in the booth. I was working with a bunch of married men. They could care less about the future marriage and family of me and this unknown person. Ben didn't even bother to get the guy's name. Or his age. Or his number. Or a slightly unrehearsed proposal of marriage for me.


I know I'm not going crazy though because as he was walking off with his newly accquired food items, I pushed a guy out of the way and motioned for two teenage girls that I just knew had to know who C.M.M. was. "Do you girls know who Chad Michael Murray is?" Blank stares. "One Tree Hill?" Finally I get a light bulb..."Oohhh yeah!" "Ok, ok. Tell me that guy right there in the gray shirt doesn't look like him." I'm fidgety. "OHHHH YEAH HE DOES....WOWOWWW!" I about jumped across the barrier to beat her loud mouth - inside voices was the least she could have done to keep from humiliating me. "HA! I knew it! Now get back in line."

I never did get the chance to talk to him. Fate wouldn't allow it. And the Astros lost. And I followed him out of the parking lot - swear that was a coincedence. Swear it. I was pulling out and just so happened to pull two cars behind him...and follow him to the red light...where I almost turned right and followed him to his hotel (cause the tag was NC). But I decided that was a little much, even for me, and turned left heading for home.

There is still hope that tonight he will show up again because he couldn't stop thinking about the girl in the concession stand....and it just so happens I am there again tonight. Joy!

1 comment:

♥B said...

I am sorry you didn't get your CMM, but you still have your JM. :)