
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My ring arrives...

Well. Kinda. This ring is the ring I chose when we went to pick up the ring from The Getting Place.

Shawn called and told me it was in when I got off work at 4...but the lady leaves at 5 so we had to hurry. We got there and she pulls the ring out...hold your breath.

A diamond is still missing.  Go ahead.  Gasp if you want to, giggle, curse, smack your forehead. I did two of the four actions. You can guess which ones.

There was a ring in the display case that I liked so I asked to see it. It is a little loose but come on...I am not sending the old ring off again. Who knows when it will come back!  Nor am I sending this one off. 

I will take this one somewhere else to be sized...while I am standing there. Whew.

* for the record Shawn ok'ed the switch. The lady even admitted if it was already loose it would probably keep losing them.*