
Sunday, January 11, 2009


Recently decided Twitter is pretty sweet. It's kind of random and fun and let's me get updates on just about anything - news and friends!!

I get to travel this week with work which makes me pretty happy! Going to Charlotte, one of my favorite locations to go to because of the awesome shopping across the street from the hotel. Hopefully I can convince my boss to take me over there - or one of the friends I'm going to hang out with! haha

I need a pretty good boo-boo present since I'm recently single. I'm not really all that bothered, but who doesn't need a good boo-boo present every once and a while!?

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Yeah I wussed out. I tried Monday night. I told him I gave up - I think I used the words "admit defeat" with this relationship.

Somehow, even though he told me that things wouldn't change because "he was doing all he knew to do" and it didn't bother him not to talk to me. I'm still here. Second halfin' it - as he called it.

As a result? I haven't spoken to him over the phone since Monday when I told him I was done and he called pretty much to make me feel like I was the one causing the problems and if I could just deal with not talking to him we would be cool.

My feelings at this point - done. I've pretty much avoided all of his text messages and IM's at work trying to wean myself from the routine/pattern of talking...if there is one to be weaned from. I've stopped responding to his morning texts - which he is consistent in, the only thing he is consistent in. No more, "hey how is your day going" messages. At this point, I don't care if his feelings are hurt; he has no regard for mine and it's taken me 7 months to realize this, but I'm glad it wasn't 7 years.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Years

Does it mean that you are going to have another bad year if the first night/day of the new year is shit?

I hope not, because if it does...I'm screwed. My wonderful "boyfriend" decided not to make the trip to see me for New Years Eve, but drove up on New Years Day - for money reasons of course. Right. And did you know that I moonlight as the tooth fairy? It's a pretty sweet gig.

So I decided when he told me that, I have no furthur obligation to this relationship after our trip to Biltmore - which was pretty cool - and would not continue to put up with shit because I feel guilty about his "relationship issues." Either you want to be with me or you don't. Fairly simple I think. Call or not, and if you don't, I'll assume I am not worth your time or attention and move on with my life. Oh and he leaves at 11:30 in the morning...that's ok, I didn't really want to spend time with you anyway. Thanks for the memories, have a great 2009.

On a lighter note, I hope your 2009 rocks your face off and is the most productive, happiest year of your life. I hope the chocolate (that we love to consume) is suddenly discovered to be the most healthy thing that one could eat, the coffee we drink does wonders for our lives by way of health and beauty and all of the extra hours that we want to sleep is made possible by some sort of time warp. Whew, wishful thinking right?